Hair and Scalp Growth Elixir Capsule + Oil

(Pile Stop)- खूनी और मस्से वाली बवासीर से छुटकारा बिना ऑपरेशन एंड इंजेक्शन के लाइफ टाइम के लिए !

बिना ऑपरेशन एंड इंजेक्शन के पाइल्स को जड़ से ख़त्म करें लाइफ टाइम के लिए ! कैसी भी बबासीर हो ठीक हो जाएगी Pile Stop is an unique herbal formula for relieves itching and burning pains of both internal and external piles with anti-inflammatory, draining and toning properties that help: Prevent the appearance of piles and improve the condition of existing piles (hemorrhoids), Reduce swelling and avoid deformations, stimulate and improve circulation.

Rs. 1499/-

Pile Stop-
60 Capsule + Churan
Rs. 1499/-

What is Piles

Are you ashamed of going to the doctor because of piles (hemorrhoids) or anal fistula or anal fissue problem? Vision Ayuveda is offering the best herbal solution Pile Stop that is highly trusted by many with include review for piles, fistula and fissure treatment for its precise formulation and high efficacy


बवासीर की समस्या को दूर करती है (साथ ही बार-बार होने वाले बवासीर को भी)


मलद्वार में किसी तरह की परेशानी, जलन और खुजली से तुरंत राहत पहुँचाती है


गुदा पर पड़ी दरारों को ठीक करती है


रैक्टल प्रोलैप्स को रोकती है


बवासीर की गाँठों को पूरी तरह से दूर कर देती है


इसका प्रभाव एंटीसेप्टिक, घाव भरने वाला, विसंकुलक और शोथ-रोधी होता है


बवासीर के मुख्य कारण - गुदा के क्षेत्र में रक्त के जमाव को खत्म करती है


उपयुक्त सामग्री: बोरिक एसिड, हल्दी, जिंक ऑक्साइड, विट्रिओल, जैतून का तेल

What is Piles(Hemorrhoids) ?

Piles (Hemorrhoids), alos known as bowel disease that can be seen in every person and is likely to be seen. iy has more settlements around the breech and they also have painful, swollen, red and itchy conditions. this sistuation, which disturbs people, can also cause difficulties while sittin. one of the main problems experienced by people who have had too much toilet or constipation is Hemorrhoids

What are the symptoms
of Piles (hemorrhoids) ?

  • Painless bleeding during bowel movements
  • Itching or irrtation in the anal area
  • Pain or discomfort and swelling near tha anus
  • swelling arround the anus
  • Notice Red blood on toilet paper
  • Alump near the anus, which can be tender or painful
  • Loss of feces
  • Pain from sitting

What are the
causes of piles(hemorrhoids)?

The veins around your anus tend to stretch under pressure and may grow or swell. Swollen veins - hemorrhoids - can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum. It is also possible to inherit a tendency to develop hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids appear more often as you get older, because the tissues that support the veins in the rectum and anus can weaken and stretch with is often caused by a prolonged session, a fatty and spicy diet. And drivers, office toes and women, pregnant women are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids. However, 70% of patients never take it seriously until it is much worse.Factors that can cause an increase in pressure include:

  • Overweight
  • Low fluid consumption
  • Inactivity
  • Red meat weighted nutrition
  • Heavy food and drinks
  • chronic digetive system problems
  • Exerssive consumption of spices and pain
  • Effort during evacuations
  • Sitting for a long time in the toilet
  • Obesity
  • Pregnacny
  • Anax sex

What is the anal fistula ?

The anal fistula is an abnormal connection in the form of an inflamed canal between the rectal inner face and the skin outside the rectal. It resembles the ways the mole makes under the ground. However, the places where these roads pass are very important because there are very important muscles in human life in this region. If the fistula has formed once, it means that inflammation will flow continuously. It is very rare to recover spontaneously, it requires treatment.

What are the causes of anal fistula ?

The most important reason of breech fistula and abscess is inflammation of the glands under the skin in the anus and between the muscles. Causes of breech fistula can be listed as follows: Acute diarrhea attack, Traumas caused by foreign body or hard defecation, Inflamed anal fissures, Inflamed anal hematomas, Intestinal parasites, Breech hairworms, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Tuberculosis, Intestinal fungi, Cancers, Infections within the abdomen, Serious genital infections.

What are the symptoms
of anal fistula ?

  • Pain and bloating in and around the anus
  • Itching and burning in the anus
  • Difficulty sitting
  • Redness of the anus
  • felling full of breech
  • Smelly or bloody discharge anround the anus
  • contamination in underwear
  • fire
  • Painful urination
  • constipation

What is the anal fistula ?

The anal fistula is an abnormal connection in the form of an inflamed canal between the rectal inner face and the skin outside the rectal. It resembles the ways the mole makes under the ground. However, the places where these roads pass are very important because there are very important muscles in human life in this region. If the fistula has formed once, it means that inflammation will flow continuously. It is very rare to recover spontaneously, it requires treatment.

What are the causes of anal fistula ?

The most important reason of breech fistula and abscess is inflammation of the glands under the skin in the anus and between the muscles. Causes of breech fistula can be listed as follows: Acute diarrhea attack, Traumas caused by foreign body or hard defecation, Inflamed anal fissures, Inflamed anal hematomas, Intestinal parasites, Breech hairworms, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Tuberculosis, Intestinal fungi, Cancers, Infections within the abdomen, Serious genital infections.

What are causes
of anal fissures ?

  • Remove Piles, Fistula and fissure Problem
  • Relieves Piain, Itching and Bleeding in defection
  • Prevent Constipation
  • Reduce Swelling and avoid deformations
  • Regrenerate Damaged Tissue
  • Stimulates and Improves Circulation

How to treat piles
and fistulaand fissure ?

Are you ashamed of going to the doctor because of piles (hemorrhoids) or anal fistula or anal fissue problem? Vision Ayuveda is offering the best herbal solution Pile Stop that is highly trusted by many with include review for piles, fistula and fissure treatment for its precise formulation and high efficacy

How to use
Pile Stop ?

Take 2 Capsules per day (morning/evening) with a glass of water.if is advisable to take the medicine 30 minutes before or after a meal